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篇名 客家意象:解構「嫁夫莫嫁客家郎」
卷期 43:2
並列篇名 Hakka Image: The Myth of Don't Get Marry with Hakkanese Men
作者 張維安王雯君
頁次 43-76
關鍵字 客家意象客家男性族群婚配Hakka imageHakkanese menIntermarrageMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200506



There is a proverb: "People prefer to get married with Hakkanese women, but not get married with Hakkanese men." So far, as the scholar of Hakka Studies in Taiwan, we don't have empirical evidence to evaluate the effect from this proverb. Some sociologists make a conclusion that the ethnicity is no more an obstacle for young people to choose whom they get married with. However, there are some radical arguments on the BBS about the myth of "don't get marry with Hakkanese men", since last several years. This article tries to quote the BBS text as the material for analysis, we do believe the proverb still effective, and we want to know "why"? We put this shared proverb into a bracket, to be a problematic for analysis. We are trying to demystify, to deconstruct the myth of "don't get marry with Hakkanese men." In the end we argue that, the comparative analysis is an inevitable device to answer this question.
