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篇名 法律移植與法律適應 —婚姻受暴婦女聲請民事通常保護令裁定之分析
卷期 47:4
並列篇名 Legal Transplants and Legal Adaptation: Refections from the Analysis of Protection Orders
作者 王曉丹林三元
頁次 85-133
關鍵字 法律適應法律移植婚姻暴力法社會學法律文化比較法學家庭暴力防治法民事保護令protect ion orderDomest ic Violence Prevent ion Actcomparative legal studysocio-legal studylegal culturedomestic violencelegal adaptationlegal transplantsMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200912




This paper aims to uncover the hidden aspect of the Protection Order
in the Domestic Violence Prevention Act focusing on it’s contexts of legal transplants and legal practices. We analyze the orders issued by the court and the other applications denied by the court. We fnd that “legal formality” has been the main theme in legal practices and there is no such thing as in American legal practices in which there are more contests and developments on the concept “domestice violence”. We suggest refect and invite different professions to communicate to work for a better legal adaptation
