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篇名 法律知識的初步考察—從一則「常民」打官司的故事談
卷期 47:4
並列篇名 Legal Knowledge as an Approach of Inside Critics of Law
作者 郭書琴
頁次 191-235
關鍵字 紛爭解決常民法律技術法律語言法律知識法律人類學法律學科整合研究之研究方法Legal KnowledgeLegal TechnicalitiesDispute ResolutionMethod of Interdisciplinary Legal StudyLegal LanguageAnthropology of LawMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200912




This essay aims to delineate the transforming character of legal
knowledge, which specifically was involving with a lay person’s dispute
resolution process. The author introduces Annelise Riles’ “legal knowledge” approach as a critic of law. The author explains the differences among “legal knowledge” approach and other Law-and-Society scholarships. Also, for better understanding the character of “legal knowledge approach,” the author provides her own classifcation of the anthropological critics of law, naming inside critics and outside critic. The author uses the action, “legal document reviewing,” to explain the inside critic of law as an approach of “legal knowledge.” Finally, the author hopes this essay will provide an epistemological understanding toward the constitution of legal knowledge.
