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篇名 朱熹德禮政刑論述探微—從〈知南康榜文〉談起
卷期 47:4
並列篇名 Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy of Zhu Xi
作者 江玉林
頁次 5-37
關鍵字 朱熹論語大學董仲舒德禮政刑Zhu XiDong ZhongshuGreat LearningAnalects of ConfuciusMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200912




Analects of Confucius (Chapter of The Practice of Government) says,
“Lead the people with governmental measures and regulate them by law and punishment, and they will evade punishment but will have no sense of shame. Lead them with virtue and regulate them by the rules of propriety, and they will have a sense of shame, moreover, they will set themselves right.” This saying of Confucius has always been respected by the Confucians of all the past dynasties in China. In addition, this opinion on morality, etiquette, politics, and punishment also becomes the guideline for legal and political systems in
the past dynasties in China. The study suggested that when Zhu Xi expounded Confucius’ opinion on morality, etiquette, politics, and punishment, the most attractive thing is his citations from sentences of “Great Learning”, “The way of the great learning involves manifesting virtue, loving the people, and abiding by the highest good” and “Doctrine of the Mean”, “Cultivating the way is called education,” which endowed brand new insight to Confucian’s
opinion on morality, etiquette, politics, and punishment. Furthermore, Zhu Xi further concretely fulflled this opinion in his administrative measures for local governance. In this study, Zhu Xi’s governance of Nankang Troop was taken as an example to examine how he concretely put Confucius’ idea of morality, etiquette, politics, and punishment into practice. Besides, the study further indicated the unique contribution of Zhu Xi when he promoted the idea of morality, etiquette, politics, and punishment by comparing his idea with that of
Dong Zhongshu which viewed the education of morality as the essential part and the power of punishment as the secondary part.
