
NTU Studies in Language and Literature 

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篇名 Arthur Murphy's Views of Confucianism and Gender
卷期 17
並列篇名 亞瑟.墨菲對儒家與女性的觀點
作者 歐馨雲
頁次 101-132
關鍵字 十八世紀 ; 英國戲劇 ; 耶穌會教士 ; 儒家思想 ; 性別 ; 父權 ; 哈伯瑪斯 ; 公領域與私領域 ; The eighteenth century ; English drama ; Jesuits ; Confucianism ; Gender ; Patriarchy ; Habermas ; Public and private spheresTHCI
出刊日期 200706




By exploring The Orphan of China in the social scenarios of both Chinese and English gender ideologies in terms of the reciprocal relationships between women and the sites of power, this essay discusses the radical departure of Murphy’s play from his contemporary Europeans’ notions of Chinese women in Confucian society. Murphy’s tragedy conflates the Chinese heroine’s political and domestic confinements into the antithesis of the emerging gender trend in eighteenth-century England, and uniquely denounces Chinese gender practices through the heroine. Significantly different from the Jesuits and other European critics in the eighteenth century, Murphy draws on gender ideologies and practices as the predominant factors on which he bases his criticism of Chinese culture.
