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篇名 消費體驗、參與動機、顧客滿意及顧客忠誠之研究以臺灣大學溫水游泳池為例
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 Relationships among Consumption Experiences, Participant Motivation, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Study of Indoor Warmed Swimming Pool in the National Taiwan University
作者 康正男葉允棋林謙如
頁次 65-85
關鍵字 消費體驗滿意度忠誠度參與動機溫水游泳池consumption experienceindoor swimming poolparticipation motivationcustomer loyaltysatisfaction
出刊日期 201008




The purpose of this study was to test casual relationships for swimmers among consumption experiences, participant motivation, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the National Taiwan University. Furthermore, the model was applied in practical implications. The sample was selected from swimmers in indoor warmed swimming pool of the National Taiwan University. A survey responded by 261 participants was conducted with the convenience sampling method. In addition, structural equation modeling was utilized to test the model. Results showed that consumption experiences had direct and significant effects on participant motivation, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Moreover, the influence of consumption experiences on the customer loyalty was mediated by participant motivation and customer satisfaction. Thus, if a swimmer had good experiences using facilities, the swimmer’s satisfaction,motivation, and loyalty would be enhanced. Therefore, practitioners are suggested to enhance customers’ experiences of swimming services.
