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篇名 加爾文的聖經解釋 The Biblical Interpretation of John Calvin
卷期 31
作者 曾宗盛
頁次 31-55
關鍵字 CalvinQuadrigaperspicua brevitasBiblical InterpretationReformation加爾文宗教改革聖經解釋簡潔清晰四重意義
出刊日期 200912


本文探討宗教改革家約翰加爾文(1506-1564)的聖經解釋方法與特色。不同於中世紀的「四重意義」(Quadriga)解經法,加爾文強調經文字面意義(plain meaning)的重要性,注重經文的文字與神學的雙重意義。加爾文熟識歷代教父的作品,深信宗教改革家的理念,結合當時人文主義的語言學和修辭學,強調以「簡潔清晰」(perspicua brevitas)的原則來解釋聖經。
最後本文以兩個實例(羅四章與創 15:6;加四章與創十五、二十一章)說明加爾文如何解釋聖經,並思考加爾文的聖經解釋對我們今日的啟發。


This article explores the methods and characteristics of the biblical
interpretation of the church reformer John Calvin (1506-1564). Different
from the medieval Quadriga in interpreting the Bible, Calvin emphasized
the plain meanings of the biblical texts and laid stress on their literal and theological meanings. Familiar with the literary works of the church fathers, he had a strong belief in the convictions of the church reformers. He integrated contemporary humanistic linguistics with rhetoric, and advocated for the principle of perspicua brevitas in interpreting the Bible.
Calvin argued for the internal consistency of the Old Testament and
New Testament. His numerous works on the interpretation of the Bible
enabled him to develop a theological system, the most famous of which
are the Institute of the Christian Religion, Commentaries on the Bible, and Sermons. These works have different focuses in handling the biblical texts, yet their basic patterns and messages are consistent. Studying these works by Calvin enables us to comprehend the characteristics of Calvin’s biblical interpretation.
Finally, this article takes two examples (Rom 4 vs. Gen 15:6; Gal 4 vs.
Gen 15; 21) to illustrate how Calvin interpreted the Bible and to refect on the edifcation his interpretation of the Bible brings about for us today.
