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篇名 社交計量及同儕知覺受歡迎度與青少年關係攻擊及孤寂感之相關研究
卷期 42:1
並列篇名 Sociometric and Perceived Popularity inAdolescence: Links to RelationalAggression and Loneliness
作者 程景琳
頁次 143-162
關鍵字 同儕知覺受歡迎度社交計量受歡迎度青少年孤寂感關係攻擊adolescentslonelinessperceived popularityrelational aggressionsociometric popularityTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 201009


本研究旨在探討「社交計量受歡迎度」與「同儕知覺受歡迎度」對於青少年社會心理適應之預測狀況。研究參與者為864 位來自二所國中共28 個班級的八年級學生(男、女生各半,平均年齡為14.01 歲)。本研究以同儕提名問卷的方式測量社交計量受歡迎度、同儕知覺受歡迎度、與關係攻擊行為,以自陳的量表測量心理孤寂感。結果發現,「社交計量受歡迎度」和「同儕知覺受歡迎度」確為二種不同的社交地位構念。二種類型的受歡迎度都能負向預測青少年的心理孤寂感,且社交計量受歡迎度與關係攻擊行為間有負相關,但同儕知覺受歡迎度與關係攻擊行為則有正相關;反映出二種受歡迎度對於行為適應問題有不同的預測。對青少女而言,因不受同儕喜愛所引發的關係攻擊傾向,較男生來得強。社交計量受歡迎度與同儕知覺受歡迎度的交互作用,對於關係攻擊與孤寂感的預測都有顯著影響。


The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which the two types of popularity (i.e. sociometric and peer-perceived) respectively predict psychosocial adjustment outcomes (i.e. relational aggression and loneliness) of Taiwanese adolescents. Participants were 864 eighth-graders (50% boys and 50% girls; the mean age is 14.01) from 28 classes of two public schools. The study used peer nomination questionnaire to measure “sociometric popularity”, “peer-perceived popularity”, and “relational aggression”, and a self-report scale to measure “loneliness”. The results show that sociometric and peer-perceived popularity are two distinct constructs. Both popularity types negatively correlate with loneliness. Sociometric popularity negatively correlates with relational aggression, while peer-perceived popularity positively correlates with relational aggression. Lower level of sociometric popularity predicts stronger relational aggression for girls than for boys. Interactions between sociometric and peer-perceived popularity were found to be predictive of both relational aggression and loneliness.
