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篇名 以 Web2.0 概念為基礎之創意簡訊加值服務應用
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 The Applications of Creative SMS Value-Added Service Based on Web2.0 Concept
作者 林子圻陳驊
頁次 55-64
關鍵字 SMSWeb2.0互動式行動技術使用者產生內容interactive mobile technologyuser generated content
出刊日期 201009


本文旨在以簡訊服務(short message service, SMS)作為行動技術之研發工具,用以補足網路在行動環境下的缺失性,同時導入 Web2.0 概念,將其互動、分享以及參與的協同特性加諸其中,並發展出新型態的互動式應用。至於系統實作方面,本研究係以個人手機連結終端伺服機來建置自動化的訊息閘道器,透過視窗程式的開發來傳遞AT Command 與行動設備之數據機溝通,進而控制其簡訊的收發作業。為能使系統符合使用者導向的互動模式運作,因此融合使用者產生內容(user generated content, UGC)之型態來設計「行動決議」與「行動評價」兩種概念性功能,而系統將扮演著自動統計與訊息回覆之角色,讓各式的票選任務與評價機制輕鬆地完成,此外,所有的訊息內容將由系統端記錄並予以檢視,可進一步發掘活絡在社群之間的價值關係。


This study aims to apply the short message service (SMS) to the development of mobile technology in order to supplement the drawbacks of current internet service lacking of mobility. Besides,the concept of Web2.0 is imported to introduce the characteristics of interaction, sharing and participation which result in the new interactive applications. For the system development, this work is to establish an automatic message-gateway system by connecting personal phone and the server. This system is implemented by using AT Command to communicate with the SMS. In order to make our system conform to the user-based interactive model, the concept of user generated content (UGC) is adopted to design two new conceptive functions: Mobile Decision and Mobile Evaluation. The operation will be achieved by the system with statistical analysis and automatic message replying. Besides, the short message contents are recorded by the developed system, and the collected data can be further used to explore the valuable information in the user communities.
The goal of this study is to propose the creative personalized technology and interactive model. To verify the feasibility of the proposed concepts, a SMS system with Web2.0 concept is developed to strengthen the capability of mobile applications. Furthermore, enterprises may get advantages differing from the traditional business model.
