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篇名 以引擎廢熱回收為動力的車用空調系統
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 Waste-Heat Recovery from an Internal Combustion Engine for Reuse in a Vehicle Air-Conditioning System
作者 陳建文蔡渙良
頁次 23-28
關鍵字 熱電發電熱電致冷車用空調系統thermoelectric generator vehicle air-conditioning systemthermoelectric cooler
出刊日期 201009




This report presents both a theoretical analysis and the physical measurement of an experimental set-up for waste-heat recovery from an internal combustion engine (ICE) for reuse in the air-conditioning system of a vehicle. A thermoelectric generator (TEG) is used for recovering the heat to generate electricity. The resulting clean power is used to drive a thermoelectric cooler (TEC) which air-conditions the vehicle. Both the TEG and the TEC are thermoelectric modules (TEMs) consisting of semiconductors with no moving parts. The energy exchange processes of both devices are quiet and emission-free. Therefore, the integrated system has the advantages of silent operation, zero-emission of greenhouse gases, a long lifespan, and clean energy.
