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篇名 具專家知識之客製化衣版設計
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 Expert-based Customized Automation for Making Garment Patterns
作者 黃素卿方晶晶丁瑜
頁次 41-54
關鍵字 版型展開褶子客製化garment patternsdartscustomized automationflattening method
出刊日期 201009




In this report, we present a flattening method for developing basic two-dimensional (2D) patterns from three-dimensional (3D) designed garments. This method incorporates professional pattern development skills for the purpose of automating them. The aims of this research are to improve the fittingness of clothing and to produce pleasing figures. For developing darts within a pattern, a method simulated by mesh alignment and a reduction in breaks among meshes is also introduced. Moreover, methods for developing shoulder, arm-scye, and side darts, based on advanced expertise in pattern design, are presented. In such circumstances, darts in those positions can further dramatically reduce the global area difference between the 3D designs and the developed patterns.
The analysis of the example presented in this report reveals the influence of the pattern from several aspects. Finally, the digital patterns developed in this research can be outputted into commercial pattern-editing software to generate actual garments cut/sewn manually from our designs.
