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篇名 V 型槽聚光型太陽光電發電系統設計
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 Design of a V-Trough Concentration Photovoltaic Generation System
作者 蘇義傑蔡渙良
頁次 29-39
關鍵字 SimulinkV型槽太陽能電池模組SimulinkV-troughphotovoltaic
出刊日期 201009


本文提出V型槽聚光型太陽光電發電系統設計,首先建立的模擬模型是由通用型太陽能電池模組和 V 型槽完成,使用 Simulink 套裝軟體,模擬商用的太陽能電池、模組、陣列加裝 V型槽聚光板模型,並且能夠輕易的在模擬平台上使用。本文提出的模型設計一套使用者友善的圖形遮罩介面和操作容易的使用者對話框,像是使用Simulink圖形資料庫一樣方便。這使得聚光型太陽能電池模組容易被模擬,並且分析日照強度對太陽能電池溫度和輸出特性的影響。經由設計加裝一組鏡面不銹鋼反射板的太陽光電模組在實際工作環境進行實驗量測,可以相互驗證V型槽聚光型太陽光電發電系統設計理論分析與實驗量測的吻合性。


This report presents the design and validation for a V-trough concentration photovoltaic (PV) module. First, a model built from a generalized photovoltaic module and V-trough is implemented by using Simulink software. This generalized model can represent a PV cell, module, and array. The proposed model is also designed with a user-friendly icon and a dialog box such as those in Simulink block libraries, thereby making a concentrated V-trough PV model easy to simulate and analyze.
When the impact of sunlight intensity on the temperature of a solar cell is considered, the characteristics of the output power and current of such a model can be simulated by using our proposed design. Finally, through experimental measurements, this model is validated by a V-trough
with stainless steel reflectors and a commercial PV module. The results indicate that the concentration effects of the measured data on the V-trough PV module approximately agree with the predicted ones.
