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篇名 增強型結構於無動件微閥門之應用
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 The Application of Enhancement Structure to No-moving-part Valves
作者 楊愷祥劉永銓徐金城王啟川
頁次 15-21
關鍵字 無動件閥門壓降微噴嘴/擴散器增強型結構no-moving-partdrops in pressureenhancement structuremicro diffuser/nozzle valves
出刊日期 201009


本研究分析及探討五種具增強型結構及一種傳統型態之微噴嘴/擴散器閥門之特性,由各個微閥門測試結果可看出當流體流經具障礙物或附加鰭片設計之微噴嘴/擴散器閥門時壓降會明顯增加,而當流經微噴嘴/擴散器增加圓形結構卻會顯現最低的壓降,這是由於整體的水力直徑的增加及介面摩擦降低所導致。在傳統微閥門增加三組鰭片的新設計可在低雷諾數約 70 時可提升最大約16% 的效率比,在此狀態下的靜態修正係數約可較傳統設計提升約 4.43 倍。實驗結果亦顯示增強型結構之性能提升在雷諾數約 70 時達到高峰,主要由於在雷諾數的提升下,傳統設計的噴嘴及擴散器在高流速下其效能的提升。


In this study, the performances of micro diffuser/nozzle valves with five types of enhancement structures and one conventional valve were characterized and analyzed. The drops in pressure across the designed no-moving-part valves were found to increase considerably with the addition of an obstacle and fin structure. Moreover, the valve having an added circular area exhibited the lowest drop in pressure due to the hydraulic diameter’s being increased by the circular area and lower interface friction. The maximum improvement of the loss coefficient ratio was about 16% for an added three-fin structure operating at a Reynolds number around 70. In this situation, the static rectification efficiency improved 4.43 times more than with the conventional nozzle/diffuser. The
experimental results indicated performance peaks at a Reynolds number around 70 and an appreciable decline upon increasing the Reynolds number, a phenomenon occurring because the efficiency ratio of a conventional valve increases significantly with an increase in the Reynolds number.
