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篇名 電漿熔渣中銅金屬之資源回收
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 Recycling of Copper from Molten Plasma Slag
作者 李清華李文成陳靖良劉冠廷張人權伍紹文顏辰有
頁次 1-8
關鍵字 電漿熔渣浸漬晶析置換copperslagreplacementcrystallizationleachingplasma
出刊日期 201009


本研究主要針對含銅電子廢棄物經電漿熔融處理後熔渣中之銅金屬進行回收純化。本研究所收集之電漿熔渣經磁選、篩分後之篩下物(-0.149 mm)約尚含有32% 之銅,值得進一步回收其銅金屬。本研究結果顯示,此電漿熔渣(-0.149 mm)經一次硫酸浸漬,於 18N 硫酸、固液比 10 g/50ml、70°C 下,浸漬 1 小時,可達成 90.56% 之銅浸漬回收率,此一次含銅浸漬液直接在室溫下靜置48小時,可將浸漬液中58.28% 之銅晶析成硫酸銅晶體,而晶析過後濾液中之殘留銅金屬,經以鐵粉為置換劑,可將晶析濾液中之銅100% 予於置換回收。另殘留於一次硫酸浸漬殘渣中之銅,則可以18N硫酸在固液比5 g/50ml、70°C下,浸漬2小時,可將殘渣中之銅100% 予以浸漬溶蝕,再以鐵粉置換法,可將二次硫酸浸漬液中之銅100% 予以置換回收。根據上述方法之實施,應可回收純化電漿熔渣中之有價銅金屬,以達成電漿熔渣之減量及銅資源永續循環使用之雙重目的


The main purpose of this study was to recover copper from molten plasma slag. After magnetic separation and screening of the collected material, the slag of less than 0.149 mm in size contained 32% copper worthy of further recycling. The results revealed that 90.56% of the copper can be
leached from the dross (-0.149 mm) by using 18N H2SO4 at a solid/liquid ratio of 10g/50mL at 70°C for one hour; moreover, 58.28% of the copper content in this leachate can be crystallized as CuSO4⋅5H2O after standing for 48 hours at 27°C without any disturbance. After crystallization, the
remaining copper can be completely recovered by using iron powder replacement. Subsequently, a second leaching treatment was performed on the residue by using 18N H2SO4 at a solid/liquid ratio of 10g/50mL at 70°C for 2 hours. It was also observed that 100% of the copper content in the second leachate can be recovered by iron powder replacement.
