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篇名 A Program for Transformation of Prescribed Dose and Monitor Unit in Radiation Therapy
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 醫用直線加速器監控單位轉換資訊化設計
作者 簡聿皇林招膨張東浩賴源淳鍾昌宏陳正怡
頁次 023-028
關鍵字 監控單位資訊化資料庫Monitor UnitInformation Processingdatabase
出刊日期 200512


一般傳統醫用直線加速器治療病人的步驟,必須經由醫師給定劑量,之後將劑量經過醫用直線加速器轉換因子換算,以得到實際上輸入機器的監控單位(MU)。其中,Wedge Factor、Block Factor、Tray Factor與Table Factor根據治療時輸出的能量選擇數值,可藉由表格直接查出,且表格數值的數量少,尚不至於花費太多時間;但是Field Size Facor(FSF)與Tissue Phantom Ratios (TPR)的表格相當龐大,且必須以人工計算方式作內差趨近,不僅速度慢,且人工作業容易失誤。因此,爲改善劑量計算上的品質與速度,擬將TPR與FSF製作成資料庫進行相關的查詢與計算。本研究以Microsoft Windows 98所附的Personal Web Server架設網頁伺服器,並掛載ASP函式庫模組,利用ASP查詢Microsoft Access資料庫並計算相關轉換因子,使用網路瀏覽器連結,直接輸出於Client端網頁。步驟爲架設伺服器、收集相關資料、建立Access資料庫、ASP程式開發與撰寫、ASP程式除錯、測試與驗證。在完成系統架構與驗證之後,以數個portal及各種不同照野、深度、劑量等等治療條件,交由數位放射師做劑量轉換工作,分別記錄執行時間,以測量實際上節省的人力。在資料庫更新方面,由於資料庫爲集中管理,在更新資料庫方面非常方便,只需要單獨管理一部電腦,並沒有類似單機作業時,一旦資料有所更改,所有電腦都必須更新的缺點。資料庫的資料結構爲關聯式資料庫,我們可以將測量結果輸入於Excel計算,直接將計算結果轉換爲Access資料庫格式,資料頁新非常簡便。而作業時間的節省方面,由平均每人7.41分鐘/Portal,減少至2.90分鐘/Portal。本研究結果顯示,因爲人工計算所大量浪費的時間叫以節省,因而增加轉換因子的準確度,避免因人工計算所導致的失誤,再加上使用集中式管理,使資料庫更新正確、快速。


Generally, the treatment dose that is written out by doctor should be transformed into Linac monitor unit (MU), The Wedge Factor, Block Factor Tray Factor and Table Factor can he referred directly to a simple table without costing much time. Unfortunately, the tables of Field Size Factor (FSF) and Tissue Phantom Ratios (TPR) are huge, we must use interpolation by hands to calculate the FSF and TPR from those tables. It is slow and mistakable to calculate by man. To improve the quality and the speed for MU calculation we proposed importing the FSF and TPR into Data Base System. The system is implemented using Active Server Page (ASP) Script to World Wide Web (WWW) client browser and is running on top of Microsoft Windows 98 operating system with Personal Web Server (PWS) and Microsoft Access Data Base Management System. We built up server, collected and created database, coded and debugged ASP Script and assured the system After assurance, the system is used for different portals by several therapists to measure processing time. For updating data, unlike single computer process, it is directly and promptly. We just only manage a server, all the data could be updated instantly. The way of organizing data is relationships among data in database. All we need to do is import the FSF and TPR Microsoft Excel tables to Access tables. The processing time is reduced from 7.41 mm/portal to 2.90 min/portal. Using ASP Script and Access Data Base Management System, we can improve the quality and the speed for MU calculation and update the data directly and promptly.
