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篇名 A Newly Designed Antivonincidence Proportional Counter for Measuring 85Kr Concentrations in Ambient Air Samples
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 新穎設計反符合比例計數器量測環境中氪-85的濃度
作者 王愛義林鴻旭羅俊光
頁次 061-067
關鍵字 氪-85反符合比例計數器85Kranticoincidenee proportional counter
出刊日期 200512


本研究的主要目的是設計反符合比例計數器以度量環境中低階的氪-85。研究結果顯示對於氪-85的687keV最大β(上標 -)能量,儀器的計數效率爲5.78%,最小偵測活度爲1.93Bq。移動式系統的回收率爲91.6%,計數與採樣系統最低偵測極限爲3.56Bqm^(-3),此改良的系統非常適用於環境中及低濃度氪-85的監測。


An anticoincidence proportional counter has been developed for measuring low-level 8SKr concentrations in ambient air. The minimum detectable activity is 1.93 Bq. and the counting efficiency is 5.78% based on the 687 keV β(superscript -) maximum energy of 85Kr. The recovery yield of the portable sampling system used was 91.6%. The lower limit of detection of this counting system and sampling was 3.56 Bq m^(-3). This improved system is very suitable for monitoring ultra-low level 85Kr concentrations in ambient air.
