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篇名 缺血性中風病患SPECT影像分析方法的建立
卷期 2:3
並列篇名 The Ischemic Stroke Patient SPECT Imaging Analysis System
作者 李玉綸陳錦薰沈業有陳遠光廖健發劉宏智
頁次 154-159
關鍵字 單光子放射電腦斷層掃描缺血性中風鎝99m六甲基丙烯胺錯化物影像分析single photon emission computed tomographyischemic strokeTc-99m HMPAOimage analysis
出刊日期 200609


單光子放射電腦斷層(Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, SPECT)掃描爲急性缺血性中風患者初期診斷的重要工具。自於起的祖性中風患者會產生腦血流阻礙,若是延遲了治療的時機,常會困組織長期缺血而壞死,假如能夠在症狀一開始立刻給予正確的治療,可大幅提高存活率,也可能避免嚴重後遺症的發生。本研究藉由影像處理技術建立了一套輔助診斷的工具,可以在救治急性中風病患時,將鎝99m六甲基丙烯胺錯化物(Tc-99m HMPAO)和單光子放射電腦斷層掃描結合,協助標示腦中風缺血區域,並同時進行缺血嚴重程度分級,協助醫師偵測出視覺無法正確判別的初始輕微中風區塊,假如能夠立刻給予正確的治療,極可能降低損傷區塊的蔓延及腦組織的不可逆壞死。影像分析的程序是先將正常的腦部組織分割出來,然後將缺血受損大腦和正常側大腦進行比對,最後利用不同顏色標示缺血的嚴重程度,建立出清晰而完整的缺血嚴重程度標示影像,配合原有受損大腦缺血區域的灰階影像共同觀察,應可提供臨床醫師進行更進一步的診斷資訊。


The single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scanning images is the important tool of the acute ischemic stroke diagnosis. Because the cerebrovascular blood flow blocking would be produced in ischemic stroke patients, if the therapeutic opportunity was delayed, the brain tissues may turn into irreversible damaged. In the onset of patients' condition, accurate therapy was given to the stroke immediately, the survival rate would increase substantially, and the severe residue would not occur. This study set up a implement to assist the ischemic stroke diagnoses by imaging analytic management. When the physicians treat and cure the acute stroke patients, the Technetium-99m hexamethyl propyleneamine oxime (Tc-99m HMPAO) was combined with SPECT, the ischemic areas were displayed to help the clinical physicians making accurate decision and processing classification of ischemic severity for the stroke in the same time. If the original slight stroke areas that could not be judged by visual sight were indicated in the onset of acute ischemic stroke, the spread of the lesion areas and the irreversible damaged brain tissues would reduce. The imaging analytic procedures were to segment the normal brain tissues first, then compared the injured cerebrum and the normal hemisphere, finally the severity of the ischemic areas were expressed with different colors. The distinct and complete expression of the ischemic areas would operate in coordination with the observation of gray level images collectively, the further diagnostic information would acquired by the clinical physicians.
