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篇名 假體對X光空間劑量分布的影響
卷期 2:3
並列篇名 The Change of X-ray Dose Distribution Due to a Phantom
作者 陳拓榮游澄清
頁次 160-165
關鍵字 假體曝露劑量熱發光劑量計phantomexposuredoseTLD
出刊日期 200609




A radiographic positioning phantom was adopted to study the changing of dose distribution by the X-ray scattering from the body of the phantom. The result showed that the space dose distribution had a large changing when the phantom was positioned on the table or not. Compared to nothing on the clinical table, the total dose with a phantom that was measured by TLDs decreased 18% at an altitude of 0.8 meter. On the other hand, the doses with a phantom increased 18% and 36% at the altitudes of 1.3 meters and 1.8 meters, respectly. The study expected the changing of dose distribution is similar when the phantom was replaced by an actually person as the x ray beam of exposure is from up to down, The doses will increase on the space between the X-ray tube and exposured body and decrease under the space of the exposured body.
