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篇名 電腦數位影像在放射治療驗證片中的應用
卷期 2:3
並列篇名 Application of Radiotherapy in Portal Film for Digital Radiography
作者 劉衣祺張東浩林招膨薛德輝
頁次 179-184
關鍵字 電腦攝影系統CR驗證片portal film醫療影像儲轉系統PACS無片化filmlessComputed Radiography CRportal filmPACS Picture Archiving and Communication Systemfilmless
出刊日期 200609


影像傳遞系統在現今醫院是不可或缺,無片化更是未來電子化醫院(E-Hospita1)的趨勢,由於數位放射線攝影(DR)及電腦放射線攝影(CR)搭配數位影像板(IP)的影像技術,各種電腦影像設備的進步,增加了判讀影像的準確度,同時一減少病人接受輻射照射的劑量,其廣泛的運用在放射診斷上;放射治療也漸漸淘汰傳統洗片方式,運用電腦攝影系統(CR)方式,將驗證片數位化,並藉著影像傳遞系統,提高驗證片品質,減少錯誤,使能快速的擷取影像,且有效儲存、建檔、借閱及管理,讓資料充分應用。在放射治療中,任何一個放射治療計劃,運用在治療癌症病人之前,首要工作便是要照出驗證片,再次確認癌症的治療部位及治療照野大小、相關解剖位置。影像擷取上本文使用SIEMENS Mevatron加速器,對病人做40X40大照野及治療照野的驗證片2MU(Monitor Unit)曝露。影像接收上採用35"X43" Kodak X-Omatic片匣。其處理、顯示、傳輸則由MedPACT公司PcCR1417小型CR所構成的一個工作站。利用PcCR1417的小型CR掃描影像,當驗證片數位影像處理好後,將資料儲存於資料庫中,再與醫療影像儲傳系統(PACS)結合傳輸到各診間,使其在第一時間內判斷,驗證片顯示的治療部位及治療照野大小是否與實際腫瘤吻合,若有差異,可馬上進行修正,若無錯誤,則可開始進行治療療程。影像傳遞系統的使用縮短了往返暗房及等待洗片時間,也減少因洗片機骯髒或故障導致X光片無法判讀的困境。各式軟體可處理數位影像,讓數位影像多元性,更提供寬廣的黑白階層選擇,加強讀取影像的功能,降低誤判,建立治療品質的監控。且達到無片化的要求,節省空間、響應環保。實際有效率的符合電子化醫院(E-Hospital)所須。


PACS system has become an integral part of modem hospital and the images are delivered to any corner through networks. X-ray diagnosis department and radiotherapy department no longer creates traditional x-ray films, Utilizing digital radiography computer system (CR) to digitalize the test film, can increase the image quality and at the same time shorten the acquisition procedure. All the raw data of the images can be stored in the computer where user can retrieve them more rapidly. The test film is made to confirm the cancer region, locate the treatment site and measure the size of FOV before therapy plan starts. This report uses the Siemens Mevatron cyclotron, with FOV of 40*40cm^2 and 2MU (monitor unit) of therapy FOV test film. The 35*43cm^2 Kodak X-Osmatic cassette is applied to acquire the image raw data. The display, post-processing and communication network employs the PcCR workstation made by MedPACT corporation. The PcCR 1417 CR scanner transfers the image to digital signal and then store it in the date base. Every workstation in the hospital can easily acquired the image information through the Ethernet. Doctors can utilize the image display system and the computer software to measure precisely distance between lesion site and FOV, and then decide on the therapy region. CR system can obviously shorten the time that technologists walk through dark room, and can eliminate the x-ray film processing procedure The artificial problems caused by film processors or technologists will no longer exist, because the application software: Image J can download and modify the raw data, digital images become more versatile and helpful. The whole system can provide wider contrast, enhance the image acquisition function, and decrease misdiagnosis rate.
