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篇名 Lyman計算病患接受放射治療後的正常組織產生併發症機率(NTOP)的程式化設計
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 The Computerlized Programming Code of Lyman Normal Tissue Complication Probability in Radiation Therapy
作者 吳嘉明葉世安朱冠安蕭光吟劉博文陳怡伶
頁次 305-314
關鍵字 正常組織產生併發症的機率腫瘤控制率生物等效劑量對等均勻劑量微分劑量體積關係圖Normal Tissue Complication ProbabilityTumor Control ProbabilityBiology Effective Dosedifferential Dose Volume HistogramEquivaleat Uniform Dose
出刊日期 200706


本篇主要是將Lyman所提的計算病人接受放射治療後正常組織產生併發症的機率(Normal Tissue Complication Probability)的數學模型轉換爲一般桌上型電腦可執行的程式,進而給臨床醫師一個方便的評估工具去計算出病人執行放射治療後的NTCP,以便決定治療方針。本篇主要是採用Frank Van den Heuvel於2005年所提出根據Lyman的NTCP的數學模式做變換後的公式做爲程式化設計的主體及斷及Brenner於1991年所提出的TCP的數學模型在MatLab的平台下所做的程式化設計;因爲Frank Van den Heuvel所提出的NTCP數學模型是以每分次治療爲2 Gy所定出;所以在使用NTCP之前必須要把每個病人每天接受治療的劑量轉換爲2 Gy/fxaction,此動作也是在算出一個生物等效劑量(BED, Biology Effective Dose);而做法上是將被選取的治療計劃的微分體積-劑量關係參數(dDVH)算出一個對等均勻劑量(Uniform Uniformity Dose, EUD)以取代原來的劑量-體積方塊圖(DVH),之後再代入Frank Van den Heuvel的方程式,以便計算NTCP。我們分別以一個PTV被包覆的dDVH及危急器官被照射的dDVH,並且參照不同器官所對應的α/β值,帶入所設計的程式算出NTCP及TCP以便驗證其計算能力,進一步驗證其計算結果的正確性;相信此程式化的設計可以方便放射治療的臨床醫師評估病人接受那一種方式治療會有較好的腫瘤控制率及正常組織產生較小的併發症。


This study would like to use homemade programming code to calculate patient's critical organ Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) proposed by Lyman numerical model at 1985. This paper also contains the code for calculating Tumor Control Probability (TCP) by using dDVH (differential Dose Volume Histogram) adopted from treatment planning export. MatLab platform programming language is used to code the methmatic model "Complication Probability as assessed from dose-volume histogram" proposed by Lyman at 1985. The procedures are to convert Equivalent Uniform Dose (EUD) from patient critical organ's differential Dose Volume Histogram (dDVH) and then calculated by the NTCP numerical formula coded by home made programming. In order to test the program, we choice a critical organ's dDVH and a target's dDVH to calculate NTCP and TCP respectively. The result showed resonable and good results after calculation. Dose Volume Histogram has been adopted for estimation and comparison in between planning results to decide for the best plan. NTCP and TCP provide further information not only in treatment plan dose coverage conformity index but also in the radiobiology consideration outcome for clinical physicians dicisions.
