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篇名 鈷六十輻射照射場之劑量與特性評估
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 Estimation of the Dose and Characteristic of the 60Co Source Facility
作者 許芳裕邱裕盛陳建志楊鶴廷游澄清邱志宏鍾曉萍周鳳英
頁次 413-419
關鍵字 熱發光劑量計鈷六十空間劑量TLD60Cospatial dose
出刊日期 200803


鈷六十輻射照射場所提供之高輻射劑量可應用於照射工業、農業、醫療器材等物品,達到改變產品物性、殺蟲、滅菌等特定目的。本研究以TLD-700型氟化鋰熱發光劑量計(thermoluminesence dosimeter,簡稱TLD),針對鈷六十輻射照射場進行照射室內空間劑量分佈及鈷六十輻射源之定位特性等進行評估,以獲得較完善、準確的空間劑量率分佈及輻射源之定位資訊,供相關照射場管理人與使用者瞭解與參考外,亦可增進一般民衆對輻射照射應用之了解。


High dose irradiations provided by the 60Co source facility can be applied in many fields, such as industry, agriculture, medicine, etc. By means of the irradiations, properties of the industrial products can be changed, hidden bugs in the agricultural products can be killed, germs on the contaminated medical appliances can than be cleaned. In this work, thermoluminesence dosimeters, TLDs: TLD-700 chips were chosen to estimate the distributions of spatial radiation dose and the position of the source for the 60Co source facility. Results of this research provides the helpful information including detailed spatial dose distribution and identified position of the 60Co source center in irradiating to the manager and users of the 60Co source facility. Understanding of the applications of radiation irradiations can also be improved to general people.
