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篇名 平行成像技術於磁振攝影之應用與限制
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 The Application and Limitation of Parallel Imaging Technique Used for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
作者 李正輝劉詩潔蕭名謙呂坤木蔡裕豐陳良光蘇振隆
頁次 499-506
關鍵字 平行成像技術K空間磁振造影訊號雜訊比Parallel imaging techniqueK-spaceMagnetic resonance imagingSignal to noise ratio SNR
出刊日期 200809


平行成像技術(parallel imaging),可藉由降低填K空間(k-space)的次數,在不影響影像解析度的前提下縮短整體造影的時間,本文的主要目的在於應用此一技術,藉由使用不同加速困子的方式,分別對假體以及自願者進行測試,並評估在磁振造影中,平行成像技術(Parallel imaging)對訊號雜訊比(signal-noise ratio)及整體影像品質(imaging quality)的影響,以及在臨床應用上的價值。結果顯示隨著加速因子的增加,整體影像品質以及訊號雜訊比皆受到不同程度的影響,因此我們認爲適度的選擇加速因子,方能在減少造影時問同時仍能維持一定的影像品質。


Parallel imaging technique (PIT) is a method that can significantly decrease the scanning time by reducing the number of filling K-space and still maintains the imaging quality. The purpose of this study is to apply PIT under various accelerating factors and evaluate the influence of PIT on the signal-noise ratio (SNR) and imaging quality. The result showed that with increasing accelerating factors, the SNR and imaging quality had been influenced to different levels. Therefore, while applying PIT, the accelerating factors need to be appropriately adjusted so that the scanning time can be shortened without deteriorating the imaging quality.
