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篇名 台灣醫事放射師之四年制大學培育課程分析
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 The Analysis of Four-year Bachelor Program of Radiological Technologists in Taiwan
作者 陳拓榮陳隆勝邵佳和田雨生游澄清
頁次 759-769
關鍵字 醫事放射師學分課程radiological technologistcreditcourse
出刊日期 200912


台灣放射之培育教育已從專科轉型为大學教育,目前醫事放射師四年制大學培育的相關學系共有九校,僅剩一校提供五專的放射課程。四年制大學在校學生人數2,357人,佔紀在校人數的67%。本文分析台灣九所學校四年制大學培育課程之設計與學分數安排。通識課程之必修平均學分與標準差爲23±7學分,其中中台科大34學分最高;中山醫學大學12學分最少。專業基礎課程平均必修學分29±5學分,其中以元培科大37學分最高;中國與中台21學分最少。基礎醫學課程平均學分爲12±1學分。醫學物理課程之平均必修學分爲11±2學分,其中以中台科大14學分最高;慈濟學院7學分最少。診斷課程平均必修學分爲20±3學分,其中慈濟學院27學分最高;高醫與元培16學分最少。治療課程平均必修學分爲8±2學分,中台科大10學分最高;中國4學分最少,且低於聯合會建議的最低必修7學分;最高與最低相差2.5倍。核醫課程平均之必修學分爲8±2學分,長庚10學分最高;中國4學分最低。見實習課程,各校平均必修學分爲18±5學分,其中長庚29學分最高;而中台與慈濟12學分最少。以九十七學年度各校安排的平均實習學分數分析,診斷:治療:核醫=10學分。4學分:4學=1: 0.4: 0.4。各校之畢業總必修學分介於125至136學分,平均值爲132±4學分。而總畢業學分介於139至152學分間,平均值爲144±5學分,最低爲陽明大學139學分;最高爲高醫的152學分。


The mainly academic education of radiological technologists is four-year bachelor program instead of five-year associate program, and nine colleges give such program in Taiwan. Only one junior college enrolled the five-year associate students in 2009's session. The number, 2357 students, of study in four-year bachelor program are 67% of total enrolled students. The paper studied the course design and credit arrangement of four-year bachelor programs in nine radiological departments. The average required credits and standard deviation of common courses is 23�7 credits. The Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology (CTUST) required the maximum credits, 34 credits, and the Chung Shan Medical University (CSMU) required the minimum credits, 12 credits. The average required credits of fundamental professional courses is 29�5 credits. The Yuanpei University (YPU) required the maximum credits, 37 credits, and the China Medical University (CMU) and the CTUST required the minimum credits, 21 credits. The average required credits of fundamental medical courses is 12�1 credits. The CTUST required the maximum credits, 14 credits, and the Tzu Chi College of Technology (TCCT) required the minimum credits, 7 credits. The average required credits of imaging diagnostic courses is 20�3 credits. The TCCT required the maximum credits, 27 credits, and the Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU) and the YPU required the minimum credits, 16 credits. The average credits of radiation therapy courses is 8�2 credits. The CTUST required the maximum credits, 10 credits, and the CMU required the minimum credits, 4 credits, that is bellow the recommended credits of Chinese Association of Radiological Technological (CART). The maximum credit of the radiation therapy courses is 2.5 times of the minimum credit. The average credits of nuclear medicine courses is 8�2 credits. The Chang Gung University (CGU) required the maximum credits, 10 credits, and the CMU required the minimum credits, 4 credits. The average credits of practical training courses is 18�5 credits. The CGU required the maximum credits, 29 credits, and the CTUST and the TCCT required the minimum credits, 12 credits. The average credits of three practical training courses in 2008's session is diagnosis: radiation therapy: nuclear medicine=10 credits: 4 credits: 4credits= 1: 0.4: 0.4. The total required credits is between 125 to 136 credits with an average value and standard deviation of 132�4 credits. Considering the elective courses, the graduated total credits is between 139 to 152 credits with an average value and standard deviation of 144�5 credits. The National Yang-Ming University (NYMU) required the minimum credits, 139 credits, and the KMU required the maximum credits, 152 credits
