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篇名 應用『神經語言程式學』改進大專學生學習策略之研究
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 Applied ‘neuro-linguistic programming’ to improve university students’ learning strategy
作者 王淑軍何素珍
頁次 038-051
關鍵字 神經語言程式學策略引出設計/安置Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingLearning StrategyElicitationDesignInstallation
出刊日期 201012


本研究為改善學生學習策略所實施的學習輔導方案。研究之目的在探討經過『神經語言程式學』(Neuro-Linguistic Programming,NLP)技術的運用後,學生的學習策略、運思過程與學習行為改變之成效。經過「大學生學習與讀書策略量表」施測,篩選動機較高者為研究對象,分別為本校護理和幼保系二名學生,採用質性深度訪談法,藉由NLP策略之引出、設計、安置等方式,進行學習策略的調整。在探討參與研究者有關學習策略之相關向度過程,顯示學生的學習策略各有其內在歷程。經由研究者採用了NLP的技術後,學生會對自己學習策略產生覺察,進而能夠做學習策略的調整,適當地改善自己的學習策略。


The research is a project that aims to improve the learning strategies of students. Purposes of the research are to inquire the students’ learning strategies, thinking process and learning behaviors through NLP. The research adopts the testing of ‘Students Studying and Learning Strategy Scale’ to sift out students with higher motivations as targets. There are two students sifted from the test, which are the students from the department of Nursing and the department of Child Care. By using a quality
depth interview method through the derivation of NLP strategies, elicitation, design and installation,the test would be able to make certain adjustments on the students’ learning strategies. The research
has shown that each student her own individual learning strategies. Through the application of NLP,the participated students can now examine the learning strategies, furthermore, make proper adjustments and development towards the learning strategies.
