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篇名 使用溫室氣體為標潮在整合熱電漿重組器與固態氧化物想喇電池/蒸氣渦輪機的系統層次效能分析
卷期 6:4
並列篇名 System-level performance analysis of integrated thermal plasma reformer and sofc/gt system using greenhouse gases as fuels
作者 蔡澳良
頁次 001-008
關鍵字 天然氣乾組熱電漿重組器固態氧化物燃料電池蒸氣渦輪機natural gas dry refonningthennal plasma refonnersolid oxide fuel cellgas turbine
出刊日期 201012


本論文以系統的觀點來分析一個整合熱電漿重組器(thennal plasma refonner, TPR)和混合 固態氧化物燃料電池/蒸氣渦輪機(hybridsolid oxide fuel cell and gas turbin巴, SOFC/GT)的燃料 電池系統,運用甲院、二氧化碳等溫室氣體為燃料的系統效能。熱電漿重組器本身是非觸媒重組,對於以二氧化碳進行天然氣乾重組不會有硫毒化及碳沈積導致觸媒效能降低的問題;重組混合氣具有較低的氫/一氧化碳比率,適合供應後段的固態氧化物燃料電池/蒸氣渦輪機混合系統當成燃料。從理論模擬分析,整合熱電漿重組器和混合固態氧化物燃料電池/蒸氣渦輪機的燃料電池系統最佳工作溫度為800°C、二氧化碳/甲院(C02/CH4)進料草耳比值為1.25 '整體系統效能最高可以達到48%。從環境保護的觀點來看,二氧化碳再利用來重組甲院產生一氧化碳與氫氣當成燃料電池的燃料,有助於溫室氣體減量。


This paper preser自perfonnance analysis of a fuel cell system (FCS)consisting of a thennal plasma refonner (TPR) and a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine (SOFC/GT) system from a system-level viewpoint. This paper also addresses the results of using greenhouse gases (CH4 and CO2) as feedstock to the system. Being non-catalytic refonning, the thennal plasma refonning technique does not pose the problems of sulfur poisoning and carbon deposition. With a lower ratio of H2/CO in the refonnate stream, the thennal plasma refonning technique is much preferred to a hybrid SOFC/GT system that exhibits low sensitivity to CO. Through the simulation and analysis of GCtool software, the selected operating condition for the integrated TPR and SOFC/GT system was set at a temperature of 800°C and a C02/CH4 mole flow rate ratio of 1.25.Additionally, the estimated efficiency of the overall system can achieve up to 48% without considering heat loss as a faιtor. The application of CO2 reuse contributes to CO fuel production and the reduction of greer也ouse emlSSlOns 企oman environmental perspective.
