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篇名 機械手臂控制器之可程式系統晶片設計與實現
卷期 6:4
並列篇名 Design and implementation of a controller for robotic manipulator using sopc
作者 林穎宏蔡政哲
頁次 019-026
關鍵字 FPGA'可程式系統晶片 機械手臂控制器影像擷取FPGASOPCrobotic manipulator controllerimage capture
出刊日期 201012


本文應用可程式系統晶片(system on programmable chip, SOPC)技術設計與實現一機械手 臂控制器以控制機械手臂夾取空間中物體至定點,控制器控制之裝置包括一六軸機械手臂以執行夾物動作、兩組CCD( charge coupled device)模組以擷取物體影像進而判定物體空間座標值。 控制器持用ALTERA公司的CycloneII FPGA實現,其中包括: (1)NIOS II軟核處理器與自定 義之PWM訊號產生周邊:NIOS II用以執行物體空間座標定位、物體空間座標值轉為機械手臂 中伺服馬達之轉動角度的D-H演算法,此後將轉動角度送至自定義之PWM訊號產生周邊以產生PWM訊號驅動機械手臂。(2)CCD控制模組:此模組使用硬體描述語言設計,控制CCD 進行影像擷取,並將擷取之影像轉換為灰階存至FPGA外的SDRAM中以供NIOSII取用。所 實現之控制器經實體測試可達控制機械手臂夾物至定點功能。


This paper presents the design and implementation of a controller using the system on programmable chip的OPC) technology for controlling a robotic manipulator to fetch an object in space to a fixed position. The controlled devices for this controller include a six-axis robotic manipulator to perform fetching tasks, and two CCD modules for capturing images of the object to determine its coordinates in space. The controller was implemented in an Altera CYCLONE II FPGA that includes: (1)a NIOS II soft processor and customized PWM signal generation peripherals (the NIOS II is used to execute programs for locating coordinates of an object in spac巴,performing a D-H algor叫un that transforms coordinates to rotating angles for six servos on the robotic manipulator and, moreover, delivering the rotating angles to customized PWM signal generation peripherals to generate
