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篇名 應用於模擬心臟跳動的模型建立與處理方法
卷期 6:4
並列篇名 The application of modeling and treatment for simulation of human heart beat
作者 鄧志堅陳俊清
頁次 027-038
關鍵字 NURBS曲面逆向工程曲面建構影像處理NURBS surfacereverse engineeringsurfaιe modelingimage processing
出刊日期 201012


本研究主要是運用非接觸式的量測儀器量測心臟模型的表面,並使用其點雲資料完成曲面的建構,再撰寫MATLAB程式模擬心臟的跳動狀況。作法是用光學掃描並以RapidfonnXOR2 軟體的內建功能鋪設心臟的NURBS曲面。由於本研究所使用的心臟模型分為兩片,因此,在建構這兩個心臟零件的NURBS曲面後,加以模擬及跳動的方式是非常複雜的。所以利用剖面切割的方式將兩片做成一個NURBS的曲面,並且由MATLAB展示該NURBS曲面。之後再由貼圓的方式將經由影像處理之心臟的影像圖貼於建構的NURBS曲面上。末了,藉由建構由心臟的NURBS曲面之控制點來產生這些點的重心並且以該重心為原點沿著控制點的方向建構射線,控制點將沿著射線方向作有規律的前後移動。每移動一次就建構一次新的心臟曲面,如此就可以模擬心臟的跳動。


This study uses non-contact digitizers to measure the surfaιe of the human heart. The proposed approach also uses a point cloud to reconstruct the surfaι吼叫Id implements a MA TLAB code to simulate human heartbeats. The proposed approach flrst uses an optical digitizer to scan the artifact and the built-in function of Rapidfonn XOR2 to construct the NURBS surface. Because constructing two NURBS surfaces that can mimic the heart beating in two parts is a complicated process, this study uses a simp1ifled NURBS surface represented in MATLAB to substitute both parts. Next, a texture mapping method pasted the combined heart artifact image to the constructed NURBS surface using image processing. Finally,也Iding the centroid of the control points of the heart artifact makes it possible to construct directional rays from the centroid to each control
point. Moving the control points forward and backward along the rays makes it possible to construct a new NURBS surface for eachmov巴, and thus mimic human heartbeats
