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篇名 化學合成法中利用纖維素作為分散劑合成微細銅粉之初探研究
卷期 6:4
並列篇名 Exploitation of cellulose for ultrafine copper powder chemical-synthesis: a prestudy
作者 彭御賢
頁次 047-057
關鍵字 田口法微個銅粉纖維素Taguchi methodultrafme copper powdercellulose
出刊日期 201012




In this research, L9 orthogonal array using the Taguchi method and the subjective quantification method were used for u1trafine copper powder analysis. Cellulous types, cellulous-adding weights, stirring rates, and reducing-agent weights were chosen as primarγfactors Particle siz巴, mlcrostructu時, re-dispersion properti肘, settling velocity, and crystal analysis were chosen as desired targets. The experimental results showed that each experiment of L9 can form pure copper powder. Threedifferent cellu10ses not only caused the steric stabilization, but also provided an interface to change the nucleation system. Finally, different forms of u1trafine copper powder with good dispersivity were synthesized during our investigation.
