
國際藝術教育學刊 THCI

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篇名 解構後現代影音短片之敘事公式-以2009年澳洲大堡礁生態保育員選拔活動之圍影片為例
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Deconstructing the narrative formula of post-modern video clips-a case study of the selected clips of tourism queensland’s Islands caretaker 2009
作者 洪雅玲
頁次 149-184
關鍵字 後現代影音短片敘事策略敘事鏡頭敘事風格Post-ModernVideo ClipsNarrative StrategyNarrative ShotNarrative StyleTHCI
出刊日期 201012


影音短片是典型的後現代產物,每天上傳於YouTube 上的影音短片如過江之鯽,如何才能得到使用者的寵愛被廣為下載?如何在一分鐘的影片中,將自己想要說的故事說清楚?成功的影音短片是否具有一定的創作模式?敘事理論常見應用於電影或戲劇的研究,後現代的影音短片是否也有著敘事理論的影子,或者擁有自己獨特的敘事策略?因而產生了與眾不同的情節安排、鏡頭組合與視覺風格?本研究目的在於建構評析影音短片之敘事類目,以解構後現代影音短片之敘事公式。研究分成三個階段來進行:(1) 嘗試仿效俄國學者普洛普 (Vladimir proppy) 分析一百個俄羅斯民間故事的方法,尋找影音短片中敘事設計的組合元素;(2) 以文獻分析法列舉評析後現代影音短片之敘事類目;(3) 再以內容分析法分析歸納影音短片的後現代敘述模式。「全世界最棒的工作」大堡礁島主選拔活動,號稱是2009 年全球最成功的廣告行銷案,一共吸引了200 多個國家3 萬4,684 人報名,因此本研究以其入選的影片作為分析的樣本。研究發現可以用來解構後現代影音短片的敘事類目,大約可分為敘事策略、敘事鏡頭、敘事風格三大方向。其中較為流行的幾種敘事公式為典故策略加上跳接特寫鏡頭加上隱喻風格,或是拼貼策略加上插入特寫鏡頭加上普普風格,或是錯置策略加上反應觀點鏡頭加上新浪潮風格,在現代地球村的環境下,跨文化的創作思維四處流竄,復古本土的創作模式逐漸沒落,取而代之的是後現代多元的新潮創意。本研究是一個跨設計、文學與傳播領域的嘗試,希望研究所得的影音短片敘事規則,可以引導一般的閱聽者成功解讀後現代影音短片,且提供影音創作者更多的創作靈感與省思,甚至協助影音教學者作為評鑑作品的參考。


The video clip is post-modern in style. Thousands of video clips
uploaded daily on YouTube. How can they get audience's attention to
download widely? How do the producers tell their stories clearly in a clip? Do successful video clips have certain narrative models? Narratology has been widely applied in the research of films. Are the same narrative models used in post-modern video clips? Or do they have their own narrative strategies and thus have their own plots, shot assembly and visual style?The purpose of this study is to construct a critical narrative category for post-modern video clips and to deconstruct the narrative formula of post-modern video clips. The study will be implemented in three stages, the first of which adopts the method Vladimir Propp used to analyse 100 Russian folklores to search for the assembly components of narrative design in the video clips. Secondly, the critical narrative categories for postmodern video will be searched as part of a literature review, and finally, the video clips from the competition of “Tourism Queensland’s Islands Caretaker” will be evaluated by using a content analysis in terms of the category of post-modern narrative.This study finds that post-modern video clips can be analyzed in terms of their narrative strategy, narrative shot and narrative style. Some popular narrative models used in post-modern video clips are: 1. Allusion strategy and cut-in & close-up shot, and metaphor style; 2. Collage strategy and insert & close-up shot, and Pop style; 3. Wrong set strategy and reaction point of view shot, and New Wave style. As cross-cultural creativities flows freely in our modern global village, vernacular creation declines gradually and is replaced by post-modern multi-dimensional creativity. This research is an experiment integrating design, literature and communication and its findings will be valuable for general readers to successfully read post-modern video clips, for video clip creators by providing more inspiration and inspection, and will also be helpful for video clip educators as a reference for critique.
