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篇名 警察對家庭暴力案件採取擴大逮捕權限政策態度之研究
卷期 1
並列篇名 Police Adopting a Pro-arrest Policy in Response to Domestic Violence
作者 王珮玲
頁次 148-204
出刊日期 200307


八十七年家庭暴力防治法通過立法,相關規定使得警察機關扮演了非常重要的角色。但從立法至今,是否應擴大警察機關在家庭暴力案件之逮捕權限,一直是爭議之問題。本研究之目的在於探討警察人員本身對於是否採取擴大逮捕權限政策之態度為何? 利用對警察之問卷調查(N=1105),分析警察之態度與影響其支持此一政策之因素。研究發現,近二分之一之警察同意警察機關應採取擴大逮捕權限政策,約四分之一之受訪警察反對此一政策,而約有四分之一之受訪警察未表示意見。在相關影響因素之分析中,警察之態度因素是最重要之預測因子,其次為組織因素,而警察個人特性最不具影響力。就個別變項分析,警察視家庭暴力為犯罪行為是影響警察支持逮捕政策最重要變項,如果警察認為家庭暴力是犯罪行為,其支持採取逮捕政策可能性就提高。另警察機關對處理家庭暴力案件之獎懲規定、同儕間對家庭暴力認知及警察是否願意處理家庭暴力案件亦對是否支持採取此一政策具有顯著之影響。在警察個人特性變項中,只有警察職位具顯著之影響,而在其他研究指出之性別因素,在本研究中並未呈現顯著之影響。


The Domestic Violence Prevention and Control Act was enacted on June
24th 1999. This Act signifies about changes in Taiwan society to handle the historically neglected issue and puts the predominate responsibility on police departments. This study proposed to examine what the police’s attitudes toward a pro-arrest policy are. This study utilized a police survey (N=1105),sampling areas including six cities and counties. Through police survey, the officer’s characteristics, organizational and attitude factors associated with police toward a pro-arrest policy are examined. The findings suggest that less than half of police agreed to adopt a pro-arrest policy; about one-fourth of officers disagreed with such a policy; and another one-fourth did not present their position. The police attitude factor is the most important predictor regarding favorable adoption of the policy. The organizational factor is the second important factor and the officer’s characteristics are the least important predictors. Examining the specific variables, police viewing domestic violence as crime is the strongest predictor. Rewards policy,colleague perception and officer’s willingness are also significantly related to
adoption of a pro-arrest policy. Among the police characteristics, only the officer’s position variable has significant effects on predicting police adoption inclination. Contradicting prior research in Taiwan, the effect of police gender is not significant in the current study.

