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篇名 倒會重複被害之研究--以大臺北地區為例
卷期 2
並列篇名 A study on repeat victims of rotating credit association fraud
作者 張耀中
頁次 043-077
出刊日期 200403


本文為二手資料分析,透過再次分析周愫嫻教授於2001 年「智慧型犯罪被害人研究—以倒會被害者為例」之電話訪談資料,以瞭解倒會重複被害人之社會人口特徵,及倒會重複被害人與倒會單次被害人在跟會習慣差異。本文發現,倒會重複被害人大多為女性、青壯年、高中職以下教育程度、全家收入偏低的人。所有的被害者中,身份易於辨識者,如年齡較高、收入較低、教育程度較低及理財較多樣的人,較容易成為倒會重複被害人,而經常暴露於高被害風險者,如喜歡參加每一會會錢較高、會員人數較多,也較容易成為倒會重複被害人。本文認為,透過教育,讓民眾從小便能清楚了解合會之制度,及透過政府的宣導,教導民眾如何避免成為倒會之被害人與瞭解哪些情況下較容易成為倒會重複被害人,會比單純從法律面來抑制或規範合會行為更能達到效果。


This paper tries to find out the personal characteristics of the repetitive victims of rotating credit association (RCA) fraud, and to specify the difference of the way of joining RCA between single-time victims and repetitive victims.We found that most repetitive victims are female, mid-aged, low family-income, and education beyond senior high school. Among all the victims,those who are easily recognized, like old-aged, low-income, less-educated, and multi-financial management styles and those who usually expose themselves to high risk, such as tending to join the RCA with high monthly payment or large group of members are at higher risk to be repeat victims.We suggest, through education, and the declaration from the government,people will get better understanding of the RCA, and avoid from being the repeat victims of RCA fraud. We think that the measures taken above will get better result than the action from the legal side.

