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篇名 低自我控制與家庭暴力之關係
卷期 2
並列篇名 Low self-control and abuse in steady heterosexual partnerships
作者 黃布Blair A. BeadnellSharon A. Baker
頁次 135-160
出刊日期 200403


許多研究顯示Gottfredson 和Hirschi 的自我控制理論可以預測諸如犯罪、青少年偏差行為、酒後駕車、吸毒等行為。本文企圖延伸自我控制理論至其他的問題行為--家庭暴力,亦即自我控制是否亦可解釋傷害親密愛人之行為。本文以隨機抽樣方式,抽出367 名具有穩定家庭(或同居)關係之男性為問卷調查之樣本,經過分析後,發現自我控制力低者具有比較嚴重的家庭暴力行為。在分析過程中,本文發現年齡較輕、心理困擾高、具傳統性別角色、家庭或同居關係較久、較不滿意家庭或同居關係等因素,會顯著增強家庭暴力行為;同時,低自我控制也增加家庭暴力行為。本文認為自我控制概念頗能解釋家庭暴力行為,未來研究可以再將自我控制概念延伸至其他偏差或犯罪行為的解釋上,如性行為混亂或性冒險行為。


Numerous studies have shown that Gottfredson and Hirschi's concept of
self-control predicts such problem behaviors as crime, delinquency, drunk driving and substance use. This paper extends this range of problem behaviors to include partner abuse, an interpersonal behavior with significant potential for harm to men and their romantic partners. In a sample of 367 randomly selected heterosexual men who were in steady relationships, low self-control was associated with greater partner abuse. This effect was above and beyond that of the other statistically
significant predictors (younger age, greater psychological distress, more traditional gender roles, longer relationship length, and lower relationship satisfaction). As a construct, self-control has unique utility in the study of relationship violence.Future research should examine its role in other health-threatening dyadic behaviors,such as sexual risk-taking.

