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篇名 連續殺人犯於我國刑法上的評價*
卷期 3
並列篇名 The phenomenon of serlal murder and he R.O.C criminal law
作者 吳景欽
頁次 026-071
關鍵字 連續殺人犯大量殺人犯連續犯邊緣性病態人格多重人格
出刊日期 200409


連續殺人犯(serial murder),雖然手段兇殘,但卻因其無動機、無秩序,而保有一定的神秘性,因此,不僅成為犯罪學研究的重要課題,同時也成為好萊塢電影的題材,如驚魂記、沈默的羔羊等是,而在這些絢爛,甚且頗為戲劇化的電影描述中,又有多少能真的反應連續殺人犯的真實面貌?這可能是個難解的答案,而筆者更關心的是,連續殺人犯在我國刑法如何評價?法律人的直覺反應,似乎馬上會聯想到刑法第五六條的連續犯,但犯罪學所稱的連續殺人犯是否合致我國刑法中的連續犯?畢竟連續犯的設計具有刑罰優待的目的,是否合致連續犯的探討,不僅為學術趣味,更有實務運作之實益,而關於此問題,就主觀而言,是關於概括故意的解釋,就客觀而言,則是連續行為的解釋。其次,連續殺人犯的心理狀態,直覺讓人認為其心理的異常性,這是否意味其可能合致於刑法上的心神喪失,而心神喪失與否,決定於行為當時是否具有抑制與是非的判斷能力,連續殺人犯於行為當時,於本文的討論中,並不能合致於此要件,而不認為其有心神喪失。惟針對此類犯罪,除非以以死刑處,否則於刑事處遇上,恐也需作特殊考量,而非可以一般的刑罰思考為處理。


Serial murder is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying and fascinating
contemporary crimes, both in academic research and also in everyday popular culture. But what exactly is the phenomenon of serial murder? How do we define and evaluate it? In this essay, I review the nature of serial murder and then examine the phenomenon within the context of current R.O.C. criminal law. I raise several questions: Is this type of murder a consecutive offence? In what ways does this crime relate to the concept of insanity or mental disorder? And how should we deal with serial murder - capital or life punishment? Capital punishment seems an easy option, but is not in accordance with international criminal justice policy trends.This essay also deals with the issue of criminal response to serial murder.
