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篇名 青少年從事網路不當行為相關因素之分析—以桃園縣國中生為例
卷期 13
並列篇名 Juvenle cyber-devlance-an analysis of junior high school data from tao-yuan county
作者 張耀中
頁次 001-049
關鍵字 青少年犯罪網路犯罪網路行為網路不當行為juvenile delinquencycyber crimeonline behaviourcyber-deviance
出刊日期 200909


網路的興起,一方面方便了民眾的生活,但另一方面則為社會帶來了新的犯罪與偏差議題。然而,這些透過網路所從事不當行為者,其從事不當行為之影響因素,與從事傳統偏差行為之少年是否相同,受到各界的關注。本研究利用侯崇文、周愫嫻受桃園縣警局委託之2008 年「桃園縣國中在學學生使用網路衍生問題及防處策略之研究」所蒐集之資料,進行二手資料分析。透過多元迴歸方式,本研究發現:男性、家中沒有網路、父母不常在家吃晚飯、不良同儕、依附於網路與網友、經常偽裝身分上網,以及上網時間較長者,從事網路不當行為的情況比較嚴重。本研究建議,父母親應瞭解網路的使用方式,並隨時關心子女的交友狀況;政府單位應該針對家中無電腦網路者提供補助,並協助不懂網路的父母建立基本的上網概念,同時應協助網咖進行轉型;在學校方面,應提供網路使用之相關課程,讓學生瞭解虛擬世界中所存在之危險,此外應開放學校的電腦教室,讓學生於放學後使用。


The internet has not only made contemporary life easier, but has also created new crime problems. Through a re-analysis of the data collected by Ho and Jou in 2008 in Tao-Yuan County, Taiwan, this paper identifies factors that are highly correlated with junior high school students’ juvenile delinquency on the Internet. These factors include: gender (male), no Internet access at home, internet café friends , time spent
surfing the Internet, use of false identities and parents absent at meal times. Students exhibiting these factors have a higher probability of engaging in delinquency on the Internet.The paper suggests that parents should spend more time with their children, learn how to use the Internet and understand their children’s online behaviour. It also suggests that government subsidise those who cannot access the internet at home,provide internet training to parents, and regulate internet cafés. It suggests further that educational institutions teach students about the internet and provide a place for students to access the internet after school.
