
台灣公共衛生雜誌 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 國際間對嬰幼兒飲食營養建議之現況分析
卷期 29:5
並列篇名 A Current Review of the International Diet and Nutritional Recommendations for Infants and Toddlers
作者 盧立卿何沛穎
頁次 384-400
關鍵字 嬰幼兒營養素建議量飲食指導嬰兒配方法規政策Infants and toddlersDietary reference intakesDietary guidelineInfant formulaRegulatory policyScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201010


嬰幼兒生長發育乃是生命期中生長最快速的階段,其中飲食及所提供熱量與各種營養素為協助嬰幼兒生長之關鍵因素。此綜論整理國際組織及各國公共衛生單位針對零至六歲嬰幼兒飲食營養建議之現況,並分為三面向分析:一、膳食營養素參考攝取量(Dietary Reference
Intakes,DRIs)之比較分析。二、嬰幼兒飲食指導(Dietary guidelines for infants and toddlers)之陳述;此二面向資料來源為台灣、美國、日本、新加坡及世衛組織的相關文獻。三、嬰兒配方之相關議題,探討內容包括:現今嬰兒配方營養標準法規,以及陳述“換奶”之相關議題。由於國內之食品成份資料庫不全及評估飲食方法學之高難度,需推動跨領域多項相關研究才得以檢視我國的嬰幼兒參考攝取量是否需作修正。台灣當今於嬰幼兒飲食指導資料來源及內容多元,而相關營養教育觀念亦需要公共衛生單位協助落實推廣政策。另外,雖然國內推廣母乳已與國際接軌,但對嬰兒配方管理議題卻少著墨,未來應精進相關法規標準並跨部會研發管理,才得以保護消費者之權益。


The rate of growth during infancy and early childhood is the fastest in the lifespan. Energy and various nutrients provided by diet play key roles in the proper growth of infants and toddlers.This article reviews the current international standards and dietary guidelines published by
international public health agencies for infants and toddlers from birth to age 6. We divided the related issues into three areas: 1. dietary reference intakes (DRIs), 2. dietary guidelines for infants and toddlers, 3. infant formulae. Published information from Taiwan, the USA, Japan, Singapore and WHO was analyzed with regard to the first two areas. The infant formula issues included the current domestic and international formula standards and “change the milk” concept. The main suggestions are as follows, more research is needed in food composition and dietary assessment methodology in order to revise the recommended nutrient intakes for infants and toddlers. We also need to encourage multi-disciplinary collaboration in order to develop a better framework for
nutrition education. Although the promotion of breastfeeding is gradually catching on international trends, issues regarding formula feeding are rarely discussed. The current commercial market for infant formula needs more comprehensive regulation by governmental agencies in order to protect
consumers. (Taiwan J Public Health.
