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篇名 經腹腔鏡卵巢切除術臨床路徑實施之成效
卷期 12:1=33
並列篇名 The Effects of Using a Clinical Pathway in Laparoscopic Oophorectomy
作者 王琦廖梅珍
頁次 023-030
關鍵字 臨床路徑住院天數醫療費用照顧品質病患滿意度clinical pathlength of hospital staymedical costeffective carepatient satisfaction
出刊日期 200103


本專案旨在探討「經腹腔鏡卵巢切除術」(Laparoscopic Oophorectomy)臨床路徑實施成效,針對「經腹腔鏡卵巢切除術」做病患滿意度、兩週內再入院率、縮短病患住院日數與降低醫療費用等四方面之評估。於北部某一醫學中心,利用回溯病歷查核法查閱86年9至12月接受「經腹腔鏡卵巢切除術」病患之病歷共121份,依據病歷查閱結果,確定臨床照護項目為會診、檢查(檢驗)、治療、藥物、活動、飲食、護理指導及健康問題標準共八項,建立了經腹腔鏡卵巢切除術之臨床路徑。經由宣導、人員在職教育以及各類工作職責制定,開始推展經腹腔鏡卵巢切除術臨床路徑。於88年1月1日至88年12月31日共795例納入本研究,研究結果顯示平均住院天數為3.3日(每病患),較實施前縮短2.24日/每病患、平均醫療費用為46945元/每病患,較實施前減少3278元/每病患、病患平均滿意度為4.38(Range:1-5)、無兩週內同種疾病再入院情形。藉由經腹腔鏡卵巢切除術臨床路徑的推行,確實能獲得較理想的照顧品質與成本合理控制。可做為日後推行臨床路徑之參考。


The purpose of this project was to estimate the effectiveness of a clinical pathway for laparoscopic oophorectomy. To develop a clinical pathway medical record data were collected from 121 laparoscopic oophorectomy patients from September to December of 1997 at a northern medical center in Taiwan The clinical pathway included eight categories including consultation; physical examination/laboratory tests; treatments; medications; activity; diet; nursing instructions; and general health care. Information regarding clinical pathway, training education, and protocols were obtained before implementing the clinical pathway. The effectiveness of the pathway was measured by patient satisfaction, readmission within 2 weeks, length of hospital stay, and medical costs. A total of 795 samples were assigned to the clinical pathway from January 1 to December 31, 1999. The results of this study showed that for those women in the clinical pathway group: (1) the average length of hospitalization stay was 3.3-2.24 days less than those women not in the clinical pathway; (2) the average medical cost was 46,945 NT dollars per patient which saved 3,278 NT dollars, (3) the average score for patient satisfaction was 4.38 (Range: 1-5). No readmission occurred for women in either group. This study implies that using a clinical pathway improves effective care by reducing length of stay and medical costs and increasing patient satisfaction.
