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篇名 生酮飲食:以醫療團隊介入癲癇治療
卷期 12:1=33
並列篇名 The Ketogenic Diet in the Treatment of Epilepsy
作者 李以文
頁次 052-058
關鍵字 生酮飲食癲癇ketogenic dietepilepsy
出刊日期 200103




Although the ketogenic diet is not a new therapy for treating epilepsy, but researchers recently found that using ketogenic diet on epileptic refractory patients with multiple anticonvulsant therapy or on post-surgery patients has positive responses. These researchers also found that a persistent and accurate ketogenic therapeutic diet markedly improves control of epilepsy. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-protein and low-carbohydrate diet and induces biochemical changes similar to starvation, resulting in ketosis. Although ketosis is known to improve and control epilepsy, its precise effect on seizure activity remains unclear. Further investigation is needed to explore this relationship. Failure to maintain an accurate ketogenic diet is associated with adverse effects. understanding of the ketogenic diet therapy, difficulty in preparation, and or unpalatability of the diet, Therefore, to institute ketogenic diet therapy an interdisciplinary team that includes psychologists, social workers, dietitians, neurologists, clinic nurses, patients and their family is needed. Because nurses play a key role as decision-makers and providers in supporting patient and family's physiological, psychological, and spiritual needs, they need to understand ketogenic diet therapy to improve future patient care and research.
