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篇名 永久性心律調節器在科技上的進步與護理的涵義
卷期 12:1=33
並列篇名 Advances in Permanent Pacemaker Technology and Its Meaning for Nurses
作者 陳幸眉邱艷芬
頁次 059-063
關鍵字 永久性心律調節器激搏器電極導線permanent pacemakergeneratorelectrodelead
出刊日期 200103




Currently, approximately 2 million people worldwide have permanent pacemakers. The number of devices implanted is expected to increase each year. A pacemaker consists three pails: the generator. the electrode, and the lead. This purpose of this article is to describe the current technological development of each component and to discuss the required patient teaching and home care, Such information will help nurses understand new developments in pacemakers, improve patient and family education and nursing care, reduce patient and family anxiety, and shorten their adaptation period after pacemaker implantation.
