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篇名 一位食用減肥菜引起呼吸困難之病患護理-Orem理論之應用
卷期 12:1=33
並列篇名 Application of Orem's Theory in the Care of a Patient with Dyspnea Induced by Eating Sauropus Androgynus
作者 王維芳葉淑惠
頁次 072-079
關鍵字 呼吸困難減肥菜Orem理論dyspneasauropus androgynusorem theory
出刊日期 200103




Dyspnea is caused by physical dysfunction and can induce discomfort such as exertional shortness of breath. Acute dyspnea can be severe enough to threaten life. Chronic dyspnea affects a person's daily activities and quality of life. This case report describes a patient admitted to an emergency room with chronic obstructive lung disease and dyspnea or hypoxia induced by eating Sauropus Androgynus to eliminate cancer toxin after breast cancer surgery and chemotherapy. Orem's self-care deficit theory was used to assess the patient's acute problems impaired gas exchange, ineffective airway clearance, ineffective breathing pattern, and activity intolerance and to plan wholly and partly compensatory nursing activities to deal with these problems. The theory was also used to develop patient education and coping strategies to manage dyspnea from chronic lung disease.
