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篇名 癌症青少年的生活經驗之探討
卷期 11:3=31
並列篇名 Life Experience of Adolescents with Cancer
作者 洪麗真葉昭幸
頁次 14-24
關鍵字 癌症青少年生活經驗Cancer,Adolescent Life Experience
出刊日期 200009


本研究目的是探討癌症青少年生活的有關經驗。採質性研究法(Qualitative Research),自民國88年2月至6月止,於某醫學中心兒童血液腫瘤病房實際參與護理癌症青少年及其主要照顧者,藉由非正式及正式個別深入訪談、參與觀察、行為過程記錄和第一研究者的反應性日記等方式,進行收集資料;研究經立意取樣(Purposive Sampling),共訪談五位癌症青少年,研究資料分析採Miles與Huberman之內容分析比較法,加以歸納及整理。結果顯示,癌症青少年的生活經驗是指個案因經歷診斷癌症後,進行相關治療時所引起之症狀困擾(如噁心、噁吐、發燒或腹瀉)、心理困擾(包括擔心、身體心像改變、不確定感和失落感)、家人互動改變(指與母親爭執增加和與父親關係改變)、失去同儕及休閒娛樂型態改變之生活經驗。希望籍由本研究結果提供護理人員照顧癌症青少年時之參考。


This qualitative study was to explore the life experiences of adolescents with cancer. Qualitative research methods (multiple individual in-depth interviews with patients and primary caregiver, participant observations, and research’s reflexive journals) were used to collect longitudinal data Content analysis suggested by Miles and Huberman was used for data analysis. The study findings shown that the life experiences of adolescents with cancer were began at the time of cancer diagnosed and while related treatments proceeded. Life experiences of adolescents with cancer included distress symptoms (i.e., nausea, vomiting and fever or diarrhea), psychological disturbance (i.e., worry, change of body image, uncertainty and loss), different interaction patterns between family and patients (i.e., increased argument with mother and changed relationship with father), loss contacts with peers and the changed of entertainment style. The findings will be provided as a guidance for nurses while caring for adolescent cancer patients.
