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篇名 大學圖書館員對圖書館建築規劃典型訊息之認知
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 University Librarians’ Cognition of the Typical Messages for Library Building Programming
作者 吳可久謝寶煖
頁次 113-133
關鍵字 設計方法大學圖書館確認性因素分析建築需求書Design methodologyUniversity libraryConfirmatory Factor AnalysisBuilding program
出刊日期 201009


業主與建築師在建築設計溝通過程中,常因雙方專業背景差異所產生之「資訊不對稱」現象,而導致雙方誤解對方的想法及企圖。本研究以問卷調查365 位大學圖書館員,以確認性因素分析統計方法界定館員認知各類圖書館建築設計主題分類與屬於圖書館員或是建築師在意之範疇,對設計溝通資訊之分類方式,及建築需求書中呈現專業典型訊息之方法。上述典型訊息之合宜釐定,可協助圖書館員及建築師利用圖書館建築設計資訊進行合理的溝通,以及制定符合兩造需求之圖書館建築需求書。


Misunderstanding of the partner’s ideas and intentions is quite a common condition in the design communication process between the client and architect, because of the “Asymmetric information” phenomena which come from different professional training for librarians and architects. Three hundred sixty five librarians are investigated with questionnaires. The statistic method – Confirmatory Factor Analysis method is applied for analyzing librarians’ categorization of the themes for library building design, as well as the themes, could be assigned to either the librarians’ or architects’ domains, and categorization of design communication information, and the presentation of professional typical messages into the architectural requirements for proposal. The appropriate defining of typical messages should form an effective communication base to help librarians and architects to set a good library programming to meet their needs.
