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篇名 臺灣地區大學圖書館進行知識管理相關活動之研究
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 A Survey of Taiwan’s Academic Libraries in Implementing Knowledge Management Related Activities
作者 邱子恆
頁次 62-82
關鍵字 知識管理大學圖書館臺灣Knowledge managementAcademic librariesTaiwan
出刊日期 201009


二十一世紀是知識經濟時代,知識已成為組織機構中最重要的資源,即使大學這種非營利組織也開始關注知識管理的相關議題。圖書館是人類知識的寶庫,而大學圖書館更是大學的心臟,其在所屬大學導入知識管理相關活動時,應可扮演舉足輕重的角色。本研究採用文獻分析與問卷調查法,調查臺灣的大學圖書館進行知識管理相關活動之現狀與態度,研究者普查臺灣175 所大專校院圖書館,回收有效問卷168 份,回收率為96% 。研究結果呈現從學校與圖書館的角度,受調圖書館對內部/外部/顯性/隱性知識之管理、知識交流、隱性知識顯性化等層面現在的表現與未來的規劃;此外,亦排序了圖書館主管認為在推動知識管理相關活動時之困難與阻礙因素。本研究期望使大學了解大學圖書館在知識經濟時代擔任全校知識管理中心之可能性,並使大學圖書館主管與館員了解其可能扮演的新角色。


The twenty-first century is the era of knowledge economy; knowledge is more important than ever for any organization. Universities are also beginning to pay attention to knowledge management. The library is the treasure of human knowledge, and a university library is the heart of the university. When the university implements knowledge-management related activities, the university library should play a decisive role. This study utilizes the methodologies of literature review and questionnaires to survey the current status and attitudes of implementing knowledge-management related activities in Taiwan’s academic libraries. The author sent out 175 questionnaires and there were 168 effective ones replied (the return rate is about 96%). The findings were presented from the university’s and library’s viewpoints, showing the current performance and future planning of the management of internal / external/ explicit / tacit knowledge, knowledge interchange, and the transformation of explicit to implicit knowledge. In addition, the difficulties and obstacles of implementing KM are also identified. The author anticipates the research results will help people realize the possibility of permitting the university library perform as a knowledge-management center, and help the library director and librarians of the university library understand their responsibility and new roles in this knowledge economy era.
