
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 不同性別執行合球切入動作之下肢動力學分析
卷期 43:3
並列篇名 Gender differences in lower extremity kinetic characteristics during cutting maneuver of Korfball
作者 陳柏潔翁梓林黃堃誠
頁次 035-046
關鍵字 動力學逆過程人體肢段參數關節力矩inverse dynamicsbody segmentjoint momentTSSCI
出刊日期 201009


目的:探討性別差異對合球V 字型切入動作之下肢動力學變化情形。方法:以大學合球隊男、女選手各六名(男性:年齡22.5 ± 1.7 歲、身高180.7 ±4.2 公分、體重74.2 ± 4.0 公斤;女性:年齡21.3 ± 2.1 歲、身高169.7 ± 4.8公分、體重60.8 ± 6.6 公斤)為受試者。實驗儀器以一部高速攝影機 (100 Hz)與一臺測力板 (1,000 Hz) 同步擷取V 字型切入在制動期間之動作。影片由動作分析軟體進行線性轉換及濾波後,獲得運動學參數。測力板訊號透過分析
軟體經內建模組校正後得到地面反作用力及壓力中心座標並結合人體肢段參數,利用動力學逆過程方程式運算求得下肢段各關節力矩。結果:在最大軸向力部分,男女在下肢段除膝關節小腿處其他各關節面的最大軸向力皆達顯著差異 (p < .05)。在最大剪力部分,踝關節小腿處剪力、膝關節大腿處剪力以及髖關節大腿處剪力皆達顯著差異 (p < .05)。結論:女性在執行取V 字型


Purpose: This study investigated the gender differences in lower extremity
kinetic characteristics during V-cutting maneuver of korfball. Six male and six female korfball elite players (male: age: 22.5 ± 1.7 yrs, height: 180.7 ± 4.2 cm, weight: 74.2 ±4.0 kg; female: age: 21.3 ± 2.1yrs, height: 169.7 ± 4.8 cm, weight: 60.8 ± 6.6 kg)served as the subjects of this study. Methods: A high-speed camera (100Hz)synchronized with an force plate (1,000 Hz) were used to collect the relative parameters of braking leg during the V-cutting maneuver. A Mega high-speed camera was used to record the 2D kinematics. Two-dimensional coordinates were derived by a
motion analysis system to gain the kinematics parameters of human lower extremity.The inverse dynamics approach was used to integrate the body segment parameter,kinematics and kinetics data, and to solve the resultant lower joints forces and moments. Results: There were significant differences on the neutral axis stress (Male -1.84 ± 0.15 B. W.; Female -2.43 ± 0.32 B. W.) and sheer force (Male -2.10 ± 0.12 B.
W.; Female -2.50 ± 0.22 B. W.). Conclusion: As a result, which might lead to injuries,especially knee joint ones, while female players performed the V-cutting maneuvers. It was suggested that female players should strengthen the training of the lower segment and work on the skills.
