
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 影響大專運動員飲酒行為之因素探究
卷期 43:3
並列篇名 Factors alcohol use among college student-athletes in Taiwan
作者 胡崇偉李明俊周建智
頁次 063-078
關鍵字 喝酒行為社會學習質性研究drinking behaviorsocial learningqualitative researchTSSCI
出刊日期 201009




Purpose: The purpose of the study was to explore the factors alcohol use among college student-athletes in Taiwan. Specifically, according to the social learning theory,this study considered how drinking behavior of college athletes was influenced by various sources of social environment factors, and that learn drinking behavior. Methods: A qualitative research was used in this study. The form of in-depth and observation was utilized to collect data by the researchers. An in-depth interview was
conducted with sixteen college athletes who had frequently drinking behavior. The content analysis was also used for further investigation. Results: This study discovered six factors that caused drinking behavior of college athletes in Taiwan. There were personality factors, peer pressure of self-emotions, the reduction of training,competition, life stress, alcohol drinking habit among team sport, facilitating social
interactions, drinking within the family. Conclusion: Finally, a number of suggestions are provided in this study. Those suggestions could be a guideline of athletic counseling for sport coaches, psychological counseling, and physical education.
