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篇名 從使用者角度評估大學圖書館之服務品質 : 以臺大圖書館為例
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 Assessing the Service Quality of the University Library from the Perspective of Users : A Survey at the National Taiwan University Library
作者 張慈玲韓竹平
頁次 136-163
關鍵字 大學圖書館服務品質評量使用者滿意度LibQUAL+ University librariesService qualityAssessmentUser satisfactionLibQUAL+
出刊日期 200909


國立臺灣大學圖書館為瞭解讀者對圖書館服務品質的滿意程度,於民國98 年5月25 日至6月8日實施圖書館服務品質問卷調查計畫,採用LibQUAL+ 量表,調查讀者對圖書館館藏資源、空間設備及館員服務三大面向共22 個題目之需求期望與實際感受。另並以4個總體服務題目以瞭解讀者對圖書館之實際滿意感受。各項期望值以1至9分評等程度。本調查報告針對5,948 份有效問卷,除基本資料分析外,並就前述22 項個別服務品質項目最低期望值、實際感受值、最高期望值、合格度與理想度列表及圖示分析;以及總體服務品質實際感受值分析。至於調查結論與建議將作為圖書館整體發展政策及各相關業務單位發展規畫之依據。


In order to understand users’ opinions regarding the quality of service at the National Taiwan University Library, a survey was conducted through questionnaires distributed from May 25th to June 8th in 2009. Using the survey tool, LibQUAL+, respondents were asked 22 questions about their needs, expectations and actual experiences relating to the library’s collections and resources, the physical environment and library facilities, and the quality of services. Furthermore, another four questions that focused on the satisfaction level of the overall quality were also asked. The evaluations were rated on a scale of 1 to 9. There were 5,948 valid questionnaires in total. In addition to analyses on basic information, the responses to all 22 questions were analyzed. The results were presented in tables and graphs to show scores for minimum expectation, satisfaction, maximum expectation, acceptability, and flawlessness. The conclusion and suggestions made based on the survey will serve as guidelines for future management and development of the NTU library.
