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篇名 以「居家活動」介入對發展遲緩幼童之影響
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 The Impact of Home Program Intervention on Children With Developmental Delay
作者 唐美華陳君薇蔡森蔚陳昭惠林巾凱
頁次 031-045
關鍵字 居家活動早期療育以家庭為中心home programearly interventionfamily-centered serviceTSCI
出刊日期 201012


方法:本研究係採準實驗設計之前測—後測控制組實驗設計,共42 對6~48個月發展遲緩的兒童及其家長參與研究。依家長的意願分至實驗組與控制組,所有個案都接受20 堂課的直接復健治療;實驗組額外接受居家活動計畫之教導與追蹤。實驗介入期間為10 週。所有個案都接受介入前後的評估,比較介入前後與組別間的差異。結果:「居家活動」的介入對發展遲緩兒童的各領域發展都有正向影響,且能降低兒童在日常生活中需要照顧者協助的程度。在所有介入結果的測驗中,實驗組的進步較控制組多0.79 到2.11 倍,介入效果值也都在中度以上。結論:額外的居家活動有家庭的參與,更能促進發展遲緩兒童的發展與獨立。


Objective: This study aimed to investigate whether provision of a home
program in addition to a center-based program improves development, function and living independence in children with developmental delay.
Method: This was a pretest-posttest equivalent-group design study, 42
children who have or are at risk for a developmental delay, aged 6-48 months,participated in the study. According to caregiver’s desire, these 42 children were assigned to two groups. All children received 20 center-based treatment sections for 10 weeks. The intervention group received an additional home program. All children were assessed before and after the intervention. Differences in change over time and between groups were analyzed.Results: Change in development, functional skills, and independence over time favored the children who received the home program intervention. Progress in the intervention group was 0.79 to 2.11 times greater than that in control group on all outcome tests.Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that auxiliary home programs with family involvement increase development, functional skills, and independence in young children with developmental delay.
