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篇名 有鬼有物--韓愈〈原鬼〉及相關詩文探析
卷期 32
並列篇名 Ghosts Exist, as Do Strange Creatures: Reevaluating Han Yu's
作者 方介
頁次 255-298
關鍵字 鬼神物怪儒教佛教道教SpiritsStrange creaturesConfucianismBuddhismDaoismTHCI
出刊日期 201006


韓愈(原鬼}一文,歷來論者不多,其較著者,如北宋釋契嵩謂「鬼何必 原? J 而責其「悸先王之道」、「昧乎孔子之意J 南宋朱熹亦責其「不知鬼 神之本,只是在外說個影子J 可見評價不高。然而,這樣的評價是否公允? 恐非三言兩語所能斷定。因此,本文首論(原鬼}主旨與立說背景,指出(原 鬼)、(原道}皆為「明先王之道J 不使「夷狄之法」加之「先王之教」之 上而作。(原鬼}謂「有鬼、有物J 即本儒家傳統而來,並且有取於{墨 子〉。其次再據其他詩文指出:韓愈斥佛為「夷鬼J 斥道教之神仙為「物 怪J 並請出儒教所敬奉之天地神抵監臨其上。他對天地鬼神充滿敬意,對民 間崇信的嶽神、水神,也祭手報日蟻。在他筆下,不時有鬼怪出現,但,無論是 莊言或戲言,都能不失儒者矩矮,可以明道、立教、關佛。最後再針對後人相 關認論加以檢討,指出韓愈重申儒教鬼神觀以關佛、道二教,已為宋儒開先, 且對朱熹有啟迪之功。他雖「只是在外說個影子J 卻極「近人」、極富感染 力,能使數百年來飽受異端衝擊的儒教鬼神觀重受囑目,並發揚於宋儒之手, 吾人應予更高評價。


Not many people have discussed Han Yu's article “Yuan Gui" [On Ghosts]. Among the few that have , one bet!er known is the Northern Song Dynasty Buddhist monk Qi Song, who asked ,“珊Thy discuss ghosts?" and blamed Han Yu for “ straying from the former kings' path" and “ partmg from Confucius' teaching." In the Southern Song, Zhu Xi also criticized Han Yu for “ not understanding the truth about ghosts and spirits, but only talking about their reflections." Clearly traditional opinion has not been kind to “ Yuan Gui ," yet 1 question 也e f剖rness of such critique. In this paper, 1 first lay out the purpose and background 叫“ Yuan Gui ," pointing out that this and Han Yu's other article “Yuan Dao" [On Dao] were both wnt!en to “ clarif、y the Dao of former kings" , and to “ prevent foreign ideas from superseding the teachings of former kings." “Yuan Dao" states that “ ghosts and strange creatures both exist" -an idea that derives from Confucianism and the teachings of Mozi. Next, 1 point out that Han Yu denigrates the Buddha as a “ foreign ghost," and the Daoist spirits 叫 “ strange creatures". He furthermore places the Confucian deities above Buddhist and Daoist spirits. He venerates the spirits of Heaven and Earth , and pays respect to the mountain and river gods of folk religion. He writes of spirits in earnest and in jest, but always within the boundaries of Confucianism; his writings aim to point out and teach the right path (Dao) , and to critique Buddhism. Lastly, 1 review the literature on “Yuan Dao ," and show that Han Yu led the Song Confucians , including Zhu Xi , by using Confucian ideas on spirits to critique Buddhism and Daoism. He may have been only “ talking about their reflections ," but his writings were humanistic and persuasive enough to revive the Confucian notions of spirits. Therefore his “Yuan Dao" deserves a more favorable review.
