
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 聆聽學生的聲音:直接教學與問題導向學習教學策略之質性分析
卷期 43:4
並列篇名 Students' Perspectives: Direct and Problem Based Learning Teaching Strategies in Physical Education
作者 王文宜闕月清
頁次 093-108
關鍵字 學生觀點教學策略問題導向學習Students' perspectivesTeaching strategiesProblem-based learningTSSCI
出刊日期 201012


從建構主義的觀點認為教師和學生對於體育課「教與學」的過程有不同的感受,同時亦認同學生觀點在學習過程裡佔有重要的角色。目的:本研究旨在透過學生對兩種教學策略的觀點進行探討,試圖瞭解學生對於不同教學策略之觀點。方法:本研究採質性研究法,以北臺灣一所專科二年級共44 位學生為研究對象,透過12 週共兩階段的教學,前6 週以「直接教學」進行體適能教學,後6 週則透過「問題導向學習」進行教學。教學實施後,經由小組訪談與學生學習心得蒐集資料進行比較分析。結果:研究結果呈現三種觀點:1.學生對兩種教學策略在學習樂趣與身體活動量之觀點有所不同,認為問題導向學習呈現較多樂趣,但直接教學提供的身體活動量較多;2.在體適能認知吸收程度之觀點,多數學生認為問題導向學習的教學方式在認知的吸收程度較為廣泛、學習效率較高、能使學生學會思考並找出解決問題的方式與產生不同的想法;3.以及同儕關係的發展能透過小組討論等同儕互惠的方式持續成長。結論:本研究不在比較兩種教學策略的優劣,而是冀望透過研究讓教師聽到學生的聲音,適時提供多樣化教學以獲得學生最佳學習成效之


Teachers and students have different experiences in the process
of “teaching and learning” from the constructivist aspects in PE (Physical Education), while recognizing the students’ is the crucial component within the process of learning. Purpose: To investigate the students’ perspectives between two different teaching strategies.
Methods: Based on the qualitative method, forty-four college students were
volunteered to participate this qualitative analysis study for twelve weeks,direct-teaching” (DT) was adopted for PE program in the first six weeks,subsequently, “problem-based learning” (PBL) was used for the rest of six weeks.After that, qualitative comparative analysis was used through the data collected from group interview and students’reflections. Results: There were three kinds of students’perspectives in this study; first, the difference between two strategies within students’perspectives was PBL had more fun and enjoyment, but there were more physical activities sessions under DTs’. Second, base on the aspect of physical fitness cognition,most students believe PBL had higher positive effects on knowledge realization and efficiency, which could push students think and try to find out solution methods, and different thinking logic. Third, the interpersonal relationships could grow up under group discussion. Conclusion: This study does not consist in compare merits of two different teaching strategies, but the aspirations of teachers had heard form students,and using more kinds of teaching strategies for the optimal student learning effectiveness.
