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篇名 2009高雄世界運動會賽會志工招募策略、教育訓練與績效指標
卷期 43:4
並列篇名 Recruiting Strategies, Training Plans and Performance Indicators for Event Volunteers of the 2009 World Games Kaohsiung
作者 畢璐鑾
頁次 073-092
關鍵字 服務學習服務體驗討論互動工作知能運動組織Service learningService experiencePanel discussionProfessional expertiseSport organizationsTSSCI
出刊日期 201012


目的:探討2009 高雄世界運動會賽會志工服務之情況,研究志工招募策略、教育訓練與績效指標之模式。方法:對賽會志工進行立意抽樣,問卷有效回收樣本945 份,運用結構方程模式建構招募策略、教育訓練與績效指標模式,並探討三個研究變項之間的關係。結果:建構效度良好,顯示招募策略、教育訓練與績效指標之整體模式是可接受。結論:招募策略、教育訓練與績效指標之間具有顯著的線性關係,在招募策略中以服務學習因素及服務體驗因素最重要,教育訓練變項中以討論互動最重要,績效指標變項中以工作知能最重要。


Purpose: To investigate the services rendered by volunteers in the 2009 World Games Kaohsiung, through the model of recruiting strategies, training plans and performance indicators. Methods: The methodology used the purposive sampling, and 945 valid questionnaires were collected from the event volunteers. Structural Equation Modeling was employed to verify the hypothetical model of recruiting strategies,training plans and
performance indicators, and the relationship among the three variables. Results: The results showed that there were linear relationships among
recruiting strategies, training plans and performance indicators. Conclusion: Service learning and service experience were the most important factors in the recruiting strategies; panel discussion was the most important aspect in the training plans, and professional expertise was the most important factor in the performance indicators.
