
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 國際運動賽會參賽績效管理--以東亞運動會為例
卷期 43:4
並列篇名 A Nations' Performance Management for International Mega Sport Events-Evidences from the East Asian Games
作者 林文斌
頁次 109-126
關鍵字 資料包絡分析法超效率績效評估相對效率Data envelopment analysisSuper-efficiencyPerformance evaluationRelative efficiencyTSSCI
出刊日期 201012


目的:評估臺灣參加歷屆東亞運動會的參賽績效。方法:運用資料包絡分析法,以10 個參賽國家地區為決策單位,設定國家人口力量(人口數)與經濟力量(國內生產總值)兩項投入指標,整合產出指標為產出項目,求取參賽國家的相對效率。結果:ㄧ、中華臺北參賽總效率1993 年 .291、1997年 .281、2001 年 .235、2005 年 .029。二、中華臺北參賽規模報酬效率皆呈現規模報酬遞減狀態。三、求得中華臺北歷屆改善建議與不同屆次的參考學習國家。四、跨期生產力變動情形起伏不定。五、超效率分析求取2001 年具效率國家地區的最適排序。六、運用資料包絡分析各項研究結果,建立東亞運參賽績效管理系統。結論:從投入產出的觀點比較各國參賽相對效率,符合公平參賽效率意涵與奧林匹克精神,驗證資料包絡分析法在國際大型運動


Purpose: To evaluate Taiwan’s performance evaluation in East Asian Games.
Methods: The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was employed in 10 decision
making units as nations and area figuring out relative efficiency by two inputs (populations and GDP) and one outputs (Zero sum gains DEA).
Results: 1. Chinese Taipei’s overall efficiency: .291 in 1993, .281 in 1997, .235 in 2001, .029 in 2005. 2.Decreasing return to scale in last 4 mega sport events. 3. Slack variable analysis seeking the improved
suggestion and benchmarking in last 4 mega sport events. 4.Unstable productivity change in last 4 mega sport events. 5. Super-efficiency found out optimum ranking for efficient nations in 2001. 6. Establishing East Asian Games’performance management system by results of DEA. Conclusion: To compare nation’s performance evaluation from the viewpoint of input and output which were confirming fair play and Olympic spirits and proofing DEA a useful tool for evaluating and comparing the
performance of nations competing in mega sport events.
